Legal Info
By purchasing any of the products on this website you are agreeing to the following :
1. You are over 18.
2. The products you purchased are legal to own in your place of residence. It is the buyer's responsibility to understand the particular knife laws that apply to them.
3. You will hold Parker River Knife Company harmless from any failure to comply with these terms of purchase.
4. By purchasing items on this site you represent that you are of legal age to purchase the items and that they will be used in a lawful manner and comply with all applicable local, state, federal and international laws. You, not Parker River Knife Company, are responsible for researching all applicable laws.
1. You are over 18.
2. The products you purchased are legal to own in your place of residence. It is the buyer's responsibility to understand the particular knife laws that apply to them.
3. You will hold Parker River Knife Company harmless from any failure to comply with these terms of purchase.
4. By purchasing items on this site you represent that you are of legal age to purchase the items and that they will be used in a lawful manner and comply with all applicable local, state, federal and international laws. You, not Parker River Knife Company, are responsible for researching all applicable laws.